On September 13th, at the invitation of Prof. Weixiao Meng and Assistant Prof. Shuyi Chen from the School of Electronic and Information Engineering of HIT, with financial support from the “6G Advanced Wireless Communication and Networking Technology” Senior Foreign Experts Importation Program Project and under the joint support of IEEE COMSOC Harbin Chapter and IEEE VTS Harbin Chapter, Prof. Jiangzhou Wang, a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, Fellow of the IEEE, Fellow of the IET, honorary professor of HIT, and professor at the University of Kent, UK, visited IEEE Harbin ComSoc Chapter and gave an academic lecture. The detailed information of the lectures are as follows:


Near-field Communications and Sensing Technology

Date and Time:

11:00-12:30, Sep 13th, 2023





Far-field channel model has been considered for decades in wireless communications. However, as ultra-massive MIMO is promising for future wireless communications with high frequency such as millimeter wave and TeraHz, near-field channel model becomes important. In this talk, near-field channel model and latest research results in UM-MIMO will be presented.



Jiangzhou Wang is a Professor with the University of Kent, U.K. He has published more than 400 papers and four books. His research focuses on mobile communications. He was a recipient of the 2022 IEEE Communications Society Leonard G. Abraham Prize and IEEE Globecom2012 Best Paper Award. He was the Technical Program Chair of the 2019 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC2019), Shanghai, Executive Chair of the IEEE ICC2015, London, and Technical Program Chair of the IEEE WCNC2013. He is/was the editor of a number of international journals, including IEEE Transactions on Communications from 1998 to 2013. Professor Wang is a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, U.K., Fellow of the IEEE, and Fellow of the IET.


Photos of the meeting:


Prof. Weixiao Meng introduced Prof. Jiangzhou Wang

Prof. Jiangzhou Wang was giving a lecture

Prof. Wang answered the questions

group photo after the meeting